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While some individuals plan ahead and put money away for the day they decide to retire, other citizens aren’t as fortunate to do so. Many senior citizens find they are struggling to make ends meet just to afford the high costs associated with healthcare. If you currently meet the requirements to obtain Medicare or Medicaid but have yet to apply as you aren’t sure how to, it is time you sit down with a dedicated elder law attorney in Texas who can further explain this process to you, and even get it done.
Applying for Medicare and receiving the benefits is only one step involved in creating a well-crafted long-term care plan. There are many components that should be included in this and an elder care attorney can actually enlighten you on what these components are. For instance, have you thought about who you would want to assign the role of financial power of attorney? What about healthcare power of attorney? Do you know what qualities to look for in this individual? Although you may have someone in mind who you want to appoint with this role, it is always advisable that you allow a long-term care lawyer review the information.
Many individuals appoint a family member whom they believe has their best interest in mind but may not be able to handle money properly. Or, perhaps you have chosen a relative who isn’t able to make drastic decisions when the pressure is put on. Assigning a power of attorney, whether it be to manage finances or make medical decisions, is a rather important task you want to complete with much consideration.
Another area where a Texas elder care attorney can help you is creating a living trust. Perhaps you have a significant amount of assets put away and you don’t want them used for your living conditions in the event you can no longer care for yourself. If you have assets that you want to transfer down to others without them having to go through the probate process, then you may want to consider getting a living trust written up with the help of an attorney who specializes in trusts and wills.
The fact is, elder law lawyers are trained professionals who specialize in helping senior citizens create a plan for when they may not be able to care for themselves in the manner they once were able to. The attorneys featured on our site are not only qualified to get legal documents filed, but they can guide and advise you in any of the following areas:
If you feel that a Texas long-term care lawyer may be able to help you or at least point you in the right direction, then feel free to give us a call here at
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